Contact: raphael (∂oτ) charrondiere (aτ) ens-lyon (∂oτ) fr
I am currently in postdoc at IST in the Bickel group (Computer Graphics and Digital Fabrication).
I got my PhD at the Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann (Grenoble Alpes University) in the ELAN team (inria), under the supervision of Florence Bertails-Descoubes and Sébastien Neukirch.
I defended the 14 October 2021. The manuscript is available in french here or in low resolution.
I studied at the école normale supérieure de Lyon, I made an Erasmus semester at the ETH Zürich.
I won the best IG paper prize at the "Journées Françaises d'Informatique Graphique et de Réalité Virtuelle" (2019)
I'm studying the numerical equilibrium of ribbons. You can find some illustrations bellow, and the pdf of my papers in the navigation bar.